Our jointly proposed Ventures Secondary School will :
- be based in agriculturally themed constructionist methodology.
- promote business skills: entrepreneurship,
- teach importing and exporting skills,
- provide the study of sustainability methods such as solar power, wind power
- integrate and teach information technology.
- Agriculture has long been the backbone of Uganda’s economy, but adding sustainable energy solutions along with technology and business skills will frame its future through the education of youth., the most investment worthy and sustaining segment of the population.
- By completing the building of this school, we will have created a model for success within the school system of Uganda and brought the mission of Ventures for Good to fruition by providing sound pedagogical , technology-infused training to under-served teachers and students in Uganda, thereby growing and sustaining its presence in the global economy.
- Thank you for your kind consideration. We look forward to your response.
- Sincerely,

- Dr. Joanne Clemente
- Executive Director